Cliff Fudge, Technical Director at H+H – one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of aircrete – explains what factors self-builders need to consider when it comes to deciding which materials to specify for their project.

With the British summer this year proving to be more glorious than we could have ever hoped for, many people are now turning attentions to their gardens and outdoor living spaces. Our homes are a place we invite our family and friends to share and so it is important to…

Today the foundations of a building are required to provide the basis for constructing a ground floor that is, or can be, both well insulated and free of thermal bridging. The basic element for this is the means of connecting the floor and the rest of the superstructure with the…

When it comes to extending your home, you’ll face an array of choices. Brickwork? Glass? A bit of both? What should you avoid doing? The questions can become overwhelming. So, Apropos has put together a guide to choosing the right extension, to make things a little easier.

Physical and visible deterrents give criminals the first indication that the owner of the property has an awareness around security and as a result the criminal will often move on elsewhere to look for somewhere easier to break in to.

The British climate can throw a variety of types of weather at us from the Atlantic, sometimes bringing large amounts of rainfall. Many gardens in the UK suffer from poor drainage, so if your garden is one of them, rest assured, you are not alone.

With more people than ever before planning a new build or self-build, making sure you stay the right side of Building Regulations is vital if you want to avoid any potentially expensive and time-consuming problems with building inspectors.

Having completed your dream home, painting and decorating is the final stage that really makes it feel like your own. Here Simon Tilbrook, Director at Fenwick & Tilbrook, gives his top tips on paint types for your self-build.

When it comes to decorating, choosing the right tools for each job can sometimes be a minefield.

Long-since popular in the Nordic countries, timber frame construction is booming in the UK. A construction material at the forefront of evidence-led design, timber is sustainable, versatile and suitable for a wide variety of purposes. All this, as well as its unique performance properties and favourable costs and construction timescales,…

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