06 Mar 2018
Lot 20 is a new Ecodesign legislation which came into effect on 1st January 2018. It mandates that all electric space heaters and electric radiators comply with a set of minimum efficiency guidelines, and use enhancing features. Here Salvatore Cirasuolo, Director at IntelliHeat, explains how this legislation may affect you.

13 Feb 2018
The recent changes made to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) may be mind-boggling for many self-builders looking to benefit from the Government's Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Here, Kensa Heat Pumps demystifies the recent changes to the standard for a straightforward route to obtaining your ground source heat pump.

Ryan Abell, owner of building company Abell Building Services, describes how working in a range of building trades has helped him to instantly recognise a house-builder that is great to work with. In this article, he explains what makes the best house-builders stand out to help you make the right…

01 Dec 2017
The contaminated land regime in the UK is set out in a number of documents which outline a framework – or process flow, if you like. Much like assessing a risk in health and safety, the overarching theme is risk assessment. It’s exactly the same as a health and safety…

Two months after acquiring planning permission for a three-bedroom detached premanufactured home, 23-year-old Holly Thomson reached out to i-build to discuss the challenging process she underwent when obtaining consent for her build.

You have found the site or renovation project of your dreams and are keen to get started. The last thing you need are delays with processing your planning application. Here Sarah Chilcott, Managing Director at Planning Portal, offers guidance on making a successful application first time.

The Passivhaus standard is one of the fastest-growing energy standards in the world, and often dubbed the gold standard of energy efficiency and indoor comfort. There are currently over 65,000 Passivhaus buildings worldwide. Here, the Passivhaus Trust explains why all self-builders should be striving for the Passivhaus standard.

27 Jul 2017
A new market report, that is the largest of its kind, has revealed that the self- and custom-build industry is growing at a rate of 6.25% year on year, marking its third consecutive annual spike. At its current pace, the sector is estimated to reach 16,500 housing completions by 2020.

If you’re looking for a self-build opportunity, securing a plot will be top of your list – but where should you start your search? BuildStore’s Raymond Connor investigates.

If you want to own a unique and attractive property that suits your family’s needs and is worth more than you paid to construct it, then self-building could be ideal for you, says Rachel Pyne at BuildStore.

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