The long-awaited reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) regulations have successfully passed through Parliament and came into effect on 22nd May 2018.

In 2012, Government removed the 0% VAT concession on approved alterations to listed buildings, adding additional financial strain to owners for any conservation or restoration bills. The cost of conserving their properties is already often more expensive than works to a standard home because traditional methods and materials are required…

If you’re planning to build your own home, a traditional mortgage won’t be right for you, you’ll need a specialist self-build mortgage instead. Many of us dream of building our own home, but before you get carried away with the design, build type and materials, the first thing you need…

A recent tax tribunal case highlighted the point of completion of a new-build project in relation to self-builder VAT claims. It noted that it is not necessarily the date on the Certificate of Completion which represents a building project as being finished. Here Paul Jefferson, Associate at Whiting & Partners,…

Having worked in the construction industry for 15 years, John Scarff had been involved with a number of self-build projects and had always longed to complete a build of his own, though the time was never quite right.

A property purchase is most likely the biggest investment you’ll ever make, and when that property is listed you need to take extra care to ensure that it is properly insured. Here, The Listed Property Owners’ Club helps decode insurance cover and terminology.

Here Steve Mansour, Chief Executive Officer at CRL, gives self-builders, home renovators and new-build homeowners an insight into the longevity of the average new-build home.

New YouGov research suggests a high level of anxiety around Japanese knotweed and alarming levels of misinformation.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not a new topic. In fact, it has been a discussion point for decades and the first smart appliance, a toaster, was actually connected to the internet back in 1989, writes Steve Mansour, Chief Executive Officer at CRL.

If you’re planning a self-build, whether a first-timer or an experienced hand, you’ll need funding in place to drive your home-building project through its various stages, and the chances are that at least part of that funding will come in the form of a mortgage, says Rachel Pyne, Operations Director…

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